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Boot Locking Issue on Manual Boot Lid

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:22 pm
by ViJay
Hi everyone,

I hope someone can offer some advice on the following problem.

1. When I lock the Passat B7 using the key fob, all doors lock fine and the lights flash to indicate this with the lock noises.
2. When I open the boot lid using the key fob, the boot opens.
3. I then close the boot lid manually and the lights flash to indicate this again and I also here lock noises.
4. If I then try and open the boot using the boot logo handle, the boot opens up and the alarm sounds.

At this point I have tried to close it again but the alarm keeps sounding and boot lid does not lock. I have to unlock the car to turn the alarm off.

If after opening the boot via the key fob I close it manually again and I press the lock button on the key fob, it will lock the boot lid.

I really hope someone can help as I only just realised my car was doing this and although the alarm sounds could have let anyone open my boot and take stuff and run.

I hope no one else has the issue without realising their boot has remained open.