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New rear axles

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:02 am
by ryan1396
Hi everyone. My dads otherwise mint 2002 TDi came to a halt last week when the axle broke off at the hub. Luckily they were turning at slow speed when it happened. The axle on the left side was completely and utterly rotten. The car really is mint, with original wings etc so we're a bit gobsmacked to see the axle was rotten. But then it hasn't been inspected for MOT for a while with the pandemic.
Anyways since the car is so good I decided to put a new axle, hubs, pipes etc in but cannot find anywhere that sells them new. Various online motor factors list them but they're all out of stock, on every site. Also can't get them. Axles for Golfs and Polos are easy to get however.
Anyone have any ideas? I can't find a really good 2nd hand one over here in N.ireland in any of the breakers I've checked so far