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rrobson's cc

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:25 pm
by rrobson
Seems in not the only young cc driver on here... not quite as young as lee1092 though! (nice car btw if your reading)

bit of a big step from my last 2 cars...

lil' focus



enjoyed this car, did quite a bit to it. might stick it up in the non vag section if anyones interested.

then the maz (bit of a stop gap really)


(excuse the poor quality pics)

so i pulled my finger out and bought the cc!





got it home, first thing was a proper detail. managed to get it done just before the rain came, but gave me chance to see if id done a good job.


cant wait for a decent day do i can get some decent reflections.

got a few plans, probably wont be for a few month with time being a bit of an issue. need to sell the maz first, it keeps trying to sneak into the pics...

lets see what happens anyway B-)