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SatNavs !!! content free or subscription ?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 10:49 am
by Notajag
Here's the thing, I'm a b7 estate owner (and loving it with loads of toys :-bd ) with the RNS510, I haven't upgraded the maps for 18 months ( don't know what VW would charge and won't go down the illegal route ) and am wondering whether my old TomTom wasn't and still would do a better job than the £1000 + VW kits

My old TomTom can be infinitely interacted with, it gives speed cameras with audio warnings (OK with subscriptions)
There's a host of free stuff out there.
The whole argument of creating a subscription culture to what is available largely for free elsewhere is obviously loaded in the car makers interest

A family member is seriously looking at the b8 estate with Active Info Display and upgraded Discover Pro satnav
And still these vastly expensive options dosen't give speed cameras, (some legal rubbish about being illegal in other countries)
Go to the VW website and there is the map update "packets" to download for individual countries thus solving the above weasel word excuses.
Come on VW try and build some bridges and GIVE something to the beleaguered customer. ~x(