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es anyone on here use zaino products

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:38 pm
by TG1
If so how do you find z5 with a wipe over with z6 between each coat for repelling dirt? I like the gloss its given me, (z7,clay,zpc,z5,,z,z5,z6,z6) but within 24 hours the dust its attracted is disproportionate to the amount i've picked up using waxes, is this a sealant thing (doesn't happen with fk1000, but that is a paste) as i've little sealant expierence. or it might just of been a really dusty weekend, or i'm just noticing it more as its finally had a bit of a polish. But any other lsp i've used doesn't suffer from this as much? or does it require a twice a week wash? cba with that, weekly at most, it has to be shiney, not so surgically clean you can eat of it, mines a daily

if you dont want to read all that how do others find zaino products? do they atract dust moreso than other prodcts