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Help to get chicago alloys back to original

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:09 pm
by Wayne1612
I need to call on all you technical people to answer a reasonably easy question or help point me in the right direction.
When I bought my B6 some buffoon had very kindly painted my Chicago alloys a nice silver colour but sadly the paint job isn't standing the test of time and is flaking off so I'd really like to get them back to their original state. I've seen a fair few B6's with Chicago's on so hopefully one of you might be able to shead some light on it.
I already know that Chicago alloys are diamond cut so I know they need to go on a lathe to get the mirror finish on face of wheel but my question relates to the anthracite/graphite coloured paint which features in the wheel apertures. Does anybody know exactly what this colour is and where I can get hold of some?
I believe (or at least it looks like the same shade as what's featured on S line wheels for Audi)

Mods. Sorry if I've broken any rules by repeating the same post in 2 separate topics (this is also in 'VAG and non' forum)