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A/C Compressor Query - Again...

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:35 pm
by Loki
Hiya All

Yes I know done many times before.........

Delphi compressor, no. 5N0820803A, VWAG - centre bolt wont undo or tighten up. VCDS says all else ok on Climate Control.
Pretty sure the after market X8R? replacement clutch=plate wont do - as no 3 separate bolts in addition to central one.

So, is there a 'service-kit' and if so where is recommended by the knowledgable or is it a change the compressor job only?
If kit available is it 'do-able' without too many complications?
If comp change only option suggestions for one to swap out and where would be a good place to acquire please?
