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And So it begins..

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 1:27 pm
by MiniMental
Alas, the first stone has been cast,
A bitter end for one passat,
But not is it the end,
For the dreaded scrappage scheme begins,
And weep not for the poor passat,
But for all the fools who fall for that,
They wander in, brainwashed souls,
So conning salesmen, can meet their goals,
They add onto, the list price,
Several thousand, at least thrice,
And upon the victims ignorance,
Another Passat, fades from existance....

I saw this last night at Fish Brother Toyota in Swindon, so had to spread its plight. What a waste... not even a spec of rust on the front wings... ImageImageImageImageImage or any kerb marks on the alloys....

[IMG]// ... ed0e7f.jpg[/IMG]

54 Passat Wagon PD175
99’ Audi S4 Avant 2.7 QTO Image