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Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:21 am
by lawsy
got a coupel of little issues with the B4 guys

anyone shed any light???

at around 2000 rpm i get judders, this is only on gentle acceleration/steady cruising or on deacceleration.. but is fine if I boot it

The other day we took off the inlet fanimold and EGR valve and gave them a right good clean..

problem now isnt as bad (although i had a few hiccups last nigth afterwards - maybe just a bit of poo blowing through)

Any ideas what could be causing this??

also anyone know of anyways to improove performance without damage to fuel economy??

and finally - mate of mine reckon we coudl just remove the EGR valve altogether and either bypass or just black the holes - he says this may help the issue because then its not re-circulating exhaust gases - so shouldnt clog up - and also reckons this will stop the typical black smoke when booting it!!

anyhelp greatly received!!!

Part of my theory may be hesitation due to not really being used, its 15 years old and has only covered 80k so thats 4k per year average - I took it for a 150+ mile blast night and it feels alittle better this mornign but the juddering is still there!!

got another 100 miles to do tonight so was going to give it soem beans as well -see if that helps!!