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Grand Prix : The Killer Years

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:37 pm
by Mindriot
Remember, the following is decades past at the peak of motorsport, today the lower levels benefit from this history but still the lower the level the more you share with this history.

Saw this documentary again tonight and was reminded its one of the top 5 films you should watch if youre a motorsport fan let alone an F1 fan.

Today it is unthinkable that one team would help another, or drivers would stop to help each other, or would band together against all adversity.

Much has been lost.

If you think you know F1, if youre only a recent fan and I mean 10 - 15 years, if you think you admire modern drivers, watch this and see if you still have such Hero worship.

If you dont watch it, if you dint watch it all, if you havent seen it before dont comment yet, just watch it all first, itll change you.