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Vw Campervan Update - Met Chris Evans

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:56 pm
by _Foz_
I've decided to take the plunge......and i'm goin to purchase a campervan in the coming month. Call me crazy but I cant resist any longer, each show I go to I find myself in the van section drewling like a baby!
I've got equity in my house, so i'm gonna use that to fund the purchase.
What i'm after from you guys is some general info, opinions, advice etc. As this is a whole new ball game to me! :-s

1st decision is do I go for a split screen, or bay? I do like both!....opinions?
I've got approx 20K to spend, possibly more if the right van comes along. For that i'm after wanting it to be useable straight away. I'm not looking at this as a project, more somebody elses work which I can then add my touches to.

I know a lot of you may be thinking 'why doesn't he spend half of that on his wagon, and have the ultimate B5? Well it has crossed my mind plenty, trust me, but i'm looking more to invest my money rather than blow it, lol.
Spending 10K on my wagon would have it looking awesome, but only worth prob 5K max....campervans just seem to be rising in price all the time, and the beauty is the whole family can get involved in this!

I'm still keeping the wagon for now, and i'm sure it will be riding on air before this year is out hopefully :D