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Tina the Santana - New Rims and Rake FTW

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:58 am
by lawsy
Well,I've always wanted one and seen this pop up for sale a couple of times

both times it came up I didnt have the money - Mrs Lawsy without my knowin sent the seller a cheeky offer and he accepted...

So last night with much thanks to J-bizzle and itsa-dubthing ( i owe you one guys) we set off on a mini road trip!!

couple of hours later in the immense rain we arrived in the VR6 Passat at our destination..

Here she is in all her beauty!!!

The Santana!

Still yet to undergo Mrslawsy's naming process

Here's a couple of pictures from the advert - I'll get some proper ones up soon


still not seen in the daylight,but under petrol station forecourt lighst she looks mighty straight!

had a few issues of corrosion done for last mot..

Started up the big 5pot and burbled home..

cruises loves, but defo has a misfire somewhere, struggles with hills and under ful load - so a trip to Crazyquiffs on the cards for monday - service, cambelt and a little tune up if time allows!!

and yes it does need slamming - all in good time tho!!!!!

I know she's not officially a passat but its close enough - so hope I'm still welcome here!!