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Got pulled today, advice needed

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 12:06 pm
by Baby Cheeses
Got a £30 on the spot fine today for having German plates which is fare enough I suppose but i was also told my wheels are incorrect for my car being 15inch ATS Cups as opposed to 14inch, therefore they are illegal and my insurance is void despite informing them my car is modified, I also told my exhaust was louder than VW intended and therefor that's illegal. Now Ive been told by the traffic cop if i want to keep my wheels I have to get certificate of VOSA to say they are suitable, number plates i just have to cover the D up and the exhaust has to be quieter, hopefully changing the tailpipe might solve that one, I was also told i was lucky that Im not getting my car towed away and possible crushed and receive a bill for the privilege as its well within their power These were the only three technicalities they were worried about on my car, everything else was fine Also talking to the traffic cop he informs me that if you buy a part for your car and it's not CE approved its illegal, TUV only cover's main land Europe so therefor is illegal and cannot be used on a vehicle registered in the UK

Has anyone else had this problem with wheels? Ive been on the VOSA web site and the only forms i can find that I maybe i need is VTP5 form, your thoughts please

This all happened this morning about 3 hours ago and since then i have received a text from the police to remind me to pay my fine to the said address that is closed till Tuesday