Insurance Companies Stalking Forum Users

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Insurance Companies Stalking Forum Users

Post by JamieBennett81 »

Saw this on a previous forum...

"Without Prejudice

It has been evident that certain insurance brokers have been asking for your username on a club forum to obtain you a % discount on your annual premium.

The reasoning behind it is that it's meant to demonstrate that as a 'club member' you are going to be more careful etc.

It's a lie.

The reasoning behind it is because plain & simple - they're going to monitor your posts both past, present & future. And use this information against you.

We've caught one firm from doing this, and have banned them (and subsequent registrations) and censored their companies name.

This is from what is claimed to be a 'performance' specialist.

So bear in mind that should you have a policy with them, and "someone" posts somethingnunder your username - they may cancel your insurance, which will then have knock on effects to obtaining insurance for ANYTHING in the future.

My advice - stay well away from people who need your username to verify information. I don't believe that a 10% discount is truly available - and certainly is not worth the risk of having a policy cancelled over. "

The company in question is Greenlight (owned by Highway Motor Insurance who also own Adrian Flux)

A word of warning to you all ;)
"Murderers come with smiles"


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