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Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:56 pm
by smiffypassat
i got me a new job and started it today based at U.P.S.!! wowee i though to myself. so on my first day i just basically sat in the passenger seat all day while a guy showed me the round. i've now finished for the day and to be honest i'm glad to be alive!!! loooky below :0












crash bang wallop!! we we're behind a taxi doing about 50mph (national) and the taxi driver sudenly slammed on, no indication and started to turn slightly to the left so we thought he was turning left. we went to overtake him n the numpty turned right, bang!!! we tried in vain to avoid him but we wiped him out, took him accross the road onto the grass verge where he hit a telegraph pole and spun round and we continued until we were perched on the edge of an 8 foot drop down an embankment to a factory. if we had travelled another meter along we would have gone down the embankment then down a 4 foot drop and no doubt flipped over!! the rest could of been history.............phewww!!

our driver and i seem ok, few aches n bruises, but the driver of the cab come off worst............he's ok though, the ambulance peeps let him go home?!?!?! with blood coming from his head :0

and to top it all off, the van we were in had a defect note put in place on wednesday night for a steering/tyre/wheel/tracking fault. we didnt find this out until after we'd had the accident. also the guy who's been driving me about all day had complained himself about how bad the steering was and that he didnt feel in full control.

now if this defect note had been acted upon by the relevent person correctly then this accident could of been avoided!! i'll be honest and say all 3 of us are lucky to be alive

...................hmmmm what to do next, well i'm not going back to work there, thats for sure. i'm not driving vans that are being reported faulty, only for them to be back on the road 12hrs later in the same state!!

somebody somewhere need an ass kicking