bit of a vent about my wk

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bit of a vent about my wk

Post by bradh »

sorry all had a real poo wk and feel the need to vent #vent warning#

started Monday drivers door window drops and wont come up for love nor money so had to un-do everything to shove my hand in and undo window to stick it up with tape to hold it up sorted this last bit late Monday night!

Tuesday realized i forgot to click next day on the new window reg so bummed about that

Wednesday : #things get worse hear# (kids go off trickle treating they had a great time ) i get a phone call off my lil sis witch lives with our dad saying loads of kids have forced there way in to the house and wont leave, so i jump in car with dodgy window still!! fly over there and there are loads of drunk kids every ware dads living room is trashed i start kicking the kids out generally shouting getting them all out i thought great job done :D

then one little poo try to climb on top of my dads work van so i pull him down and push him down the drive into his mates then out of now ware booom one of the little feckers smakes me on the side of the head with summit and i go down then from there its a bit of a blur but from what iv been told one lad smacked me from behind witch knocked my off balance / fall down the drive (quite a steep drive) then its a free for all on me i thought 6 but turns out by the names the police had was 10-12 of the kicking me in the ribs and head and face only as i have rolled down the drive a bit im in the road and they still kicking me ect untill one neighbor comes round corner in her car and they all run, i get up act cool (joke) im literally punch drunk hear i know whats going on but cant put things in order so i make my way in side everyone fussing over me (i hate that i dont like people making a fuss of me) go to kitchen to clean my face up and i was lay on the ground and all the girls start screaming at me :-?? at this point my dad comes back from the take away (thats why i was called he was driving and not answering his phone kinda lucky i got the beating dont think he would of taken it so well) and he goes (my dad never swears unless he smakes his thumb) poo best get u down hospital im still non the wiser as to why ~x( any ways ambulance and police had been called by one of my lil sis friends so they take me in and start acting a bit weird still they wont tell me lol

so this is what my face looked like when i arrived in hospital;

and this is what my face looked like 3 hours of waiting around hospital:

end result was 6 stitches in the eye brow one of witch i made them re-do as it was messy lol and 4 butterfly stitches as it was still gushing a bit lol

so Thursday had day of work as i was sick as a dog all night and needed sleep plus my left eye was not even able to see anything

Friday got a lift into and from work quite enjoyed going back stops my kids looking at my eye all day

on a plus just removed butterfly stitches as they were itching my head like made so just gotta wait 10 days till other stitches come out then dog knows how long till swelling goes down kinda gutting as i planned a nice trip to cannock chase this wk end on my push bike X(

so far police have 10 names of the people who did this to me and guess what they were all 15 or bloody 16 yr old's!!! so far iv decided to take a step back from beating the living poo out of them one at a time un-till police have been to see me to see ware we go from there thinking ill be pressing charges and trying to get my loss or earnings back out of the little poo or if they are too young my old man tells me i can sue the parents but i need to see what happens 1st

sorry for the long winded post but felt the need to vent a bit :oops:

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