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Just ordered full front arms kit, looking for some good tips

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 8:34 pm
by BIG F@ TW@
I've just ordered the full front suspension arm kit, I have plenty of time to replace the whole lot on my car so not looking to do all in a weekend etc.

So what juicy advice/tips do you guys have? I'm confident in doing the actual job (really looking forward to it) but would appreciate any guidance from your experiences.

The car is lowered, so I know I should be taking some measurements before I start, but what exactly? I know that I need to ensure that all bolts are only tightened once wheels are at correct drive height etc.

I will be taking lots of photos as I go, always helps I find.

Going to be replacing outer CV joints too whilst I'm at it.

I've started by cleaning up all bolts and threads, and giving them a good soaking in WD (I know its not the best, but for now its what I've got) and will re-soak over next few days whilst I await my package.

Car needs to be done ready for Deva in May :-) so what ya got for me?


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