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Dilemma - what would you do?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:31 pm
by Gary
As some of you will know, our other car's a Mk2 Golf 16v. It's Sally's daily driver.

One of Sally's workmate's, Neil, is desperate to buy it off us and is willing to pay good money. While we look after it properly, he has the wherewithall that I do not in terms of lavishing money on it to make it a stunner.

So the dilemma:

We've owned it for five years, inheriting it from a mate who passed away, but wanted to leave it to someone who'd appreciate it. So there's an emotional connection. Although we've now owned it for longer than Larry did previously. It's a great car, if a little raw (e.g. 195's, small Momo wheel, no PAS), but has started to need more and more money for upkeep.

But Neil will give it the attention I won't be able to and wants to restore it.

One side of me says it's sound, keep it. Better the devil you know.

The other side says here's a worthy new owner, pass it on.

Oh and it's a 3dr, so isn't particularly suited to carry Sally, two rapidly growing teenagers and my 6'5" frame :roll: Not that it does very often.

Don't know what to do for the best?
