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is refurbing alloys ourselves straightforward?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:28 pm
by wastrel1066
I`ve tried googling this and there aint much out there, I`ve Montreals on a B5 and would love to have them refurbed but recent unemployment means DIY or nothing, anyone have a thread or hands on advice?
I`m a joiner so have loads of tools from Dremells up to cordless and corded drills. also my bro owns his own engineering co but he`s not the most accomodating of folks but could help I suppose if REALLY needed, the alloys aint that bad as far as damage, some kerbing but the main issue is the wheels were painted before I got them, so they aint really showing what might need doing. I`d like to take them back to the actual alloy finish?
any advice would be much appreciated.