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Very Juddery Rear Wiper on New Passat

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 7:49 am
by LetsGoForASpin
Hi All,

I got my new Passat estate early May and within a few weeks I noticed the rear wiper would occasionally judder like mad....move smoothly for an inch then drag, move another inch then drag again, and so on. It's bizarre as when it works OK it's fine and the juddering is only once in a blue moon.
I took to a local dealer, they agreed they was a slight judder and suggested grease on the rear window so they cleaned it. With the summer the way it was I hadn't used the wiper much until a week ago and the juddering was the same.
Back to the dealer and they could not see any juddering, their test equipment didn't show any faults and they said a new wiper blade was required and it would not be covered under the warranty. It's a lease car and the lease company agreed to pay.
The very next day....juddering again!!!
The dealer was not friendly and helpful at all. They told me it's because I don't use genuine VW screenwash. OK true but I do use a brand that I've used for years without any problems.
They (conveniently I think) don't have a record of my first visit although I have an email of the appointment.
They would consider keeping the car for a length of time so they could witness the problem which I guess is the only way forward.
So...where do I stand? What could cause a fault like that?