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VW Fest 2010 - Through my eyes

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:48 am
by mifkif
This is the first time I have been to VW Fest and I really didn't know what to expect. Sure it's one of THE shows on the VW scene, but still I was not sure what to expect.

With the week leading into the show weekend, showing rain everyday, the weather wasn't looking like it was going to play ball. Ohh well, we are British and we are camping, weather will not stop us!

So with the time finally whittled down to 12:30, meeting at a pub just off the M62, we set off from home with not enough time to get there. On this occasion we decided to bring both cars, so a quick two car wash at the petrol station and were off. Even if I only managed to clean half my roof.

The clouds hung heavy in the sky and we even saw a few showers along the way, nothing too heavy, just enough to remind us the threat of a full on down pour was on the cards.

Just before arriving at the pub, I got a cheeky text "Watch the ramp on the way in", boy was that true. Not too big but enough to give us a little rub.

Already there were Chuff, Vdubjunky, Rsr88 & Lee1, with us that makes 6. A quick check on Smiffypassat's progress and we were soon 7. For once the B3's had become the dominant force, 3 3's, 2 5's and 2 5.5's.

A quick hope onto the motorway for the usual slow lane cruise with some cheeky photography and video shenanigans.

We past the pub that the Sunday crew had arranged to meet at, to see that it was all boarded up, we should have given you all the heads up, but it was too good an opportunity to miss, sorry guys. If it's any conciliation we did have a good giggle at it.

There is no feeling quite like rolling into a show, the sense of expectation is immense, rolling through the arch into Harewood house rolling 7 strong, just added to it all. The que was quite long, but the organisers got through it double time. We were soon off into the filed to drive round aimlessly trying to find the ideal camping spot. In fairness it was quite a distance from the event, but lets face it most of us need to adjust the exercise/calorie intake balance a bit, and anyway there were loads of bushes that looked like they could do with a bit of watering.

A quick photo sesh and then quick step onto setting up camp before that cloud watered us!


That cloud never let go, and infact it just got hotter and hotter, boy was I ready for a beer by the end a my tent wrestle. Chuff won the race hands down and was well on with cooking by the time the last person had finished. Allthough his height gave off the illusion that his BBQ was too low to the ground, and was told to 'raise it off the ground'. Quite why Dubjunky has two bricks in his car is beyond me, but at least Chuff was thankful.

Carmegeddon and his family had now joined the proceedings and actually managed to set up their camp way before me.

A quick splash of alcohol, and then off to discover the delights of the show ground. Well girls will be girls......


I think the Vans stall didn't do bad from the UKP crew. I picked up a little red truck, this will be closest I will get to a full size big red, but I'm happy with it.

Back off to the campsite, for a little change of clothes. Junky and I did the old man outfit again, well it's just so comfy, and the walking stick it a grateful addition to any drunk mans armory. Carmegeddon dressed as a gangster. Little did he know how well this would work the way the night panned out. Chuff claimed he had dressed as a slob, and Lee1 did a great impression of a chav. Now the real shame of the night was MRS Carmegeddon not wanting to wear her gangsters moll outfit, the blokes seemed really keen, but maybe we were biased. Either way she did look good and not like the harlot she felt. We almost talked Mr Carmegeddon into swopping outfits, I reckon another 2 more beers and we'd have had him. Next time........

Back over at the marque, which was an impressive setup to say the least, the usual drunken camaraderie took place, with the women heckling outside puffing on cigs, whilst the blokes tested the boundaries of personal space on a few occasions, sorry Dubjunky, I must have kissed you a few times, but there was no reason to obtain photographic evidence.



Smiffy passat was his usually approachable self.


The beer flowed and then we discovered the face painting. Sure it said it was for the kids, but adults full of alcohol are just big kids anyway. All my crew got their face's painted, and I think in total there were 9 of the UKP peeps to have there's done. Quite way Lee1 asked to be painted as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is beyond us all, but it made him happy.

Here are my crew's, mine wasn't finished at this point, but you get the idea.





The beer was now telling our stomaches we needed to eat again, so back to base camp for another sampling of MRS Dubjunky's excellent cooking skills. A bowl of excellent lamb curry and a slightly charred naan bread (Dubjunky was in charge of the naan's).

More beer, more of tumbling Lee's stool rolling antics, this time into the curry dishes, soon we were all set for bed. No one wanted to be the first to go, so a slight patter of rain and the camp was cleared, and off to the land of Nod we all went.

A shaky start to the day as we all tried to fathom out who had done what, and who had clearly come into the camp and scattered bits of stuff all over the place. Cookers over here, pans over there, chairs everywhere. Who is that keeps doing this to our campsites everywhere we go.

I decided that I couldn't leave my roof half cleaned, so a quick borrow of some magic polish from Carmegeddon, and some linseed oil from Dubjunky, and the deed was done. I even waxed the pinkish nose cone. Get me. There has been a look I had been wanting to pull off since before All Types in May, but just hadn't managed it until this weekend that is. It was received quite well and put a smile on peoples faces which, for me, is what it is all about.

As the campers rolled onto the club stand there were already 9 others on there. We now had a stand of 16. Alright one wasn't a Passat, but we are a loving family and all are welcome. Still 15 is a good turnout for us, and any club stand really. It was a delight to see so many and hope this is the start of some real Passat presence at Dub Shows.

Throughout the day it just got hotter and hotter, the sun beamed down and allowed us to have a nice day of recovery whilst topping up our tans. Whilst gently meandering around the plethora of dubs on display.

Enough of my waffle, just gonna leave you with the shots of the day. This is by no means an extensive coverage of the cars that were there. All I can say is for the £10 weekend ticket, you ALL need to get there for next year, with full access to the house and grounds, there is plenty to keep the whole family entertained.






























A quick look round the grounds, we finally discovered the penguins....


Back off upto base camp to pack up, and another cheeky photo shoot...



Then the long que out of the grounds, and then a nice 55mph three car convoy home. Roll on 2011........
