How good is a "green" car in snow ????

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UKPassat's Possie
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How good is a "green" car in snow ????

Post by adamss24 »

Found this on another forum :

Well, it's snow time here in Wichita. I pull up in my driveway to get in the garage, stop my prius and get out to knock off all the snow around the wheels to keep from dragging it all in the garage. I get back in my prius, and am stuck. LITERALLY STUCK! Is this a rant? Yes. I'm 4 ft from my own garage and find myself digging my own way out of my driveway. The stupid idiotic synergy drive REFUSES to even once spin the tires, I have absolutely no traction. I rock the car back and forth but after a while that ceases to work either. The car refuses to budge. I open the door while I'm flooring it, and the stinkin wheels aren't even moving! They move maybe 2 inches then the darn anti skid thing kicks in and it rocks back to a stop. This is more nerve racking than anything. It's still snowing. I can't go forward or backward in my own driveway. I'm going to have to go baby the damn car to get it to move 4 ft into the garage. I'm sorry, but right now, if I could, I'd take that stupid prius and run it into the lake. Screw the mileage. I want a car that can go over a 3 inch pack of SNOW. not ICE. SNOW without crapping out on me.

Ha, ha, ha,ha !

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